SMED in the Lean Game
The optimization of change-over processes is an important step towards a lean and efficient production. These activities are often summarized under the term SMED.
The LeanActivity Factory Game comes with a full chapter and simulation of a change-over process and SMED workshop. Whenever the game switches from one product to another, machines and materials must be changed.
The game participants will face lots of waiting time and change-over activities. Download and print-out the PDF file below and watch the video. Write down the process steps, time spans and relevant information to the print-out while watching the video.

A similar activity is also part of the Lean Game. All participants will watch the change-over process over and over again until all steps are mapped and time spans are measured.
No its time to do the magic and apply further SMED principles. The game participants will now tweak and modify this station to get rid of the change-over entirely. Can you figure out how the solution might look like?
Get the full LeanActivity Factory Game shipped internationally and start to train Lean principles with gamification. Be on the next level when it comes to be a Lean Trainer or Training Consultancy.